Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cistern   serenade

“Well, back down in the cistern again.” I’m glad I don’t have to say that anymore though. That’s what I was saying last week as we were down in the cistern cleaning it out and patching cracks.

Our 5000 gallon cement cistern located under the garage went dry this winter apparently because of some cracks that had developed in it over the course of 36 years.

It was originally our only source of water back in 1976 when the house was built but now since we have rural water I have used it only for watering my plants in the summer.

It has been a lifesaver since I have lots of plants and the water you might say is free since it comes from the guttering on the roof when it rains.

Our friend Ron helped clean the sediment out. He scooped, Jim hauled the bucket of muck up and emptied it, and I held the light so they could see.

Last Thursday Jim went over the cracks with Drylok Fast Plug to seal the cracks. I did my part by holding the light. I’m a good light holder.

Now back to the title—cistern serenade. That’s what it was when it started raining this week—a beautiful, melodious serenade as the water trickled down into the cistern once again.

As of this morning it has around 2000 gallons of water in it. We have a really sophisticated method of measuring the water, a long thin narrow board with pencil markings on it for every 1000 gallons.

We lower that into the cistern and wherever the water comes to, it shows how many thousand gallons are in it.

I have always appreciated the value of water, but especially when the cistern goes dry with planting time drawing nigh.

I appreciate most of all though the “living water” that comes only from Jesus Christ. He says, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. For the Scriptures declare that rivers of living water shall flow from the inmost being of anyone who believes in me.” (John 7:37, 38 TLB)

Love in Jesus,
God’s “thirsty” servant,
Liz Ray
Written March 21, 2012

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